Digital Goes Green co-organised the “SEE sustainable future: Twinning green and digital” session at SEEDIG 7 Series which took place on 6 September 2021 from 10:00 to 11:30 CEST via Zoom.

The keynote fireside chat between Ilias Iakovidis, PhD, Adviser at DG-CONNECT, European Commission and  Frederic Donck, President at DigitalGoes.Green was moderated by Vesna Manojlovic, Community Builder at RIPE NCC.

The vibrant 90-minute discussion addressed key issues around climate action and digitalisation, and building a sustainable digital future for the SEE region.

Ilias Iakovidis stated that “In the SEE region, digitalisation accompanied by green gains, such as emissions or pollution reduction, can open up new opportunities. By adding the green dimension to their product and services, local companies can be more competitive and be the preferred solutions by governments, international institutions and large companies. Innovation is not only about technology. It is also about people and local knowledge. The advantage of small and medium enterprises is that they understand the local settings and culture, understand the problems in a bottom-up manner, and can tailor better their digital solutions. Moving to circular economy and product-as-a-service is also opportunity for SMEs in SEE. Those that understand the synergy and key opportunities of green and digital transitions will be better fit for the future.



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